Consolidate That!
Episode 25
Season 1
From De-novo to M&A: When is it Time to Shift?
David Boguslawski, CEO of CityVet, reveals some details about their business model and their local ownership of clinics. We also discuss CityVet’s tool to increase transparency and trust levels within the company and ensure that concerns of team members are properly addressed, and recognition is given when due.
To end off this episode, David shares his thoughts on de-novo to acquisition.
Topics discussed:
- Distinctive characteristics of CityVet;
- Freedom through trust; what this core principle of CityVet means;
- Programs that assist staff members in numerous ways;
- MUTTS - the platform that CityVet finds very useful as an internal communication tool, and as a tracking tool for everything related to the business;
- The value that is provided by metrics and KPI’s;
- Examples of ways to provide transparency without making the environment a competitive one;
- The importance of mental health;