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Where's the Lemonade?
Episode 3
Season 2
Episode 2:3 - Dating your Spouse

After years of marriage, our date night consisted of finding a rom-com and falling asleep on the couch. We freshened things up with new date ideas including trying to find something open after 9pm in Folsom. We ended up going to a grocery store and making more healthy brownies. Check out our episode about how to spark excitement in your marriage.
Getting back to dating after a divorce
- When you first start dating after a divorce you don't bring your dates around the kids. So you have to find places to meet.
- Closed restaurants
- Bowling
- Grocery runs at 10pm
- Movies
- Miniature Golf
Falling into a routine (rut)
- In a blended family, you only have your kids every other weekend so it is hard to go out and leave them.
- The kids like it when we go out. They love having the house to themselves (Scary)
- In a blended family, it is extremely important to have alone time, because you never had a honeymoon with no kids, exes, etc..
- Life gets busy,
- We are tired.
- It is hard to come up with things to do.
- The town closes down at 9pm.
- What would we do, movie, restaurant or stay at home order Thai food and fall asleep to a rom-com. (Boring)
Resparking the romance
- Three rules of dating your spouse
- No business talk
- No money talk
- No housework talk
- No talking about kids
- No talking about responsibilities.
- Have fun. Take a break
- Find excuses to do something together, besides watching a movie at home.
- Surprise lunch together
- Take time to be intimate with each other. Schedule it if needed.
- Ideas for Dating your Spouse
- Try shopping at a new grocery store together for a new recipe.
- Miniature golf, Top Golf,
- Look at the old things that you used to do.
- Bowling
- People watch, make things up about peoples lives
- Hiking,
- Dance class (Line dancing)
- Shopping
- Cook together
- Work together
- Escape room
- Painting class together (Bob Ross Painting party)
- Plan a trip together (Even if you are not going to take it for a while)
- Create a theme night for a dream trip destination.
- Play old video game console (Flicky)
- Make sure you do quality time together as well as "work time"