GCF NAGA English Sermons
Episode 99
Season 11
Proclaim the Gospel - Core Values Part 7
Core Values - Part 5
Proclaim the Gospel (Luke 24:44-47)
After his resurrection, the Lord appeared to His disciples. He showed His resurrected body to them so he could comfort them and ease their doubts. The Lord even asked for something to eat. Then the disciples gave Him boiled fish. Perhaps he ate the fish to prove that He is physically present and not a spirit (Luke 24:36-43). After eating, the Lord explained the message and the mission. First, the message is the gospel, and second, the mission is to proclaim the gospel to all nations.
Sermon notes: https://www.gcfnaga.com/core-values-part-7-english?fbclid=IwAR0wkij3qP4qoowp8sxzRarxmQ6zmcfzW4nRokg3-icTkfYK5LQIOV5j9Gc