Lessons Learned with Komal
Episode 3
Season 2
You Have Permission To Want More with Luvvie: The Next Right Step, Part 2
In this week’s episode, Luvvie Ajayi Jones, New York Times Best-Selling Author shares with us the power of surrounding yourself with people who see the bigger you, how connecting to your identity is a superpower, and how you have permission to want more in your life and work.
[2:03] What does it take to be the first domino? Rooting into our identities in order to take the first leap
[8:40] Luvvie shares why who you are is your Superpower, and Komal and her discuss why it’s so important for you to ask for what you need
[18:53] Luvvie shares with us why she values being herself and doing what she wants more than anything, and Komal tells us how leaning into the ability of “not being liked” can transform your relationships with others
[27:08] Luvvie makes a case for getting comfortable with being uncomfortable and how being yourself can be a revolutionary act that can change your life
[31:00] The Power of Community - How community can help you believe in, and see yourself
[35:00] - Members of our community discuss why it is important for us to give ourselves permission to want more.