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Circuit Break - A MacroFab Podcast
Episode 295
Season 1
MEP EP#295: Design For Everything
MEP EP#295: Design For Everything
The DFs
- DFA - Design for Assembly
- DFC - Design for Conservation
- DFD - Design for Documentation
- DFM - Design for Manufacturing
- DFP - Design for Production
- DFR - Design for Repair / Recycle
- DFT - Design for Test
- DFS - Design for Safety
How to DFX
- Identify what you are Designing For
- Perhaps list them based on priority
- Make a list of all of the items
- Make a timeline for which DF applies when in the product life
- Create a list of key design criteria
- This will vary based on where the product is in the design cycle
- Schedule specific focused time to have a team review the DF
- Have the main designer present, but it is best to have other perform the DF checks
- Have a sign off and circle back process
- If it passes then have the team sign off and move to the next stage
- If it fails, have a process of fixing and asses if another full DF meeting is needed
- Perhaps just a small DF meeting to address one thing
- At then end of the product design cycle you will have a folder of completed design checks that help validate the release of the product
Techniques for making revisions easier
- Put circuits that you know need adjustment where you can reach them with a soldering iron or a probe
- 0 ohm resistors
- Make for very easy configuration changes
- DNI/DNP - lots of people don't know this is a thing
- Multiple footprints
- Parallel components
- Room for soldering!
- Test points - different from component terminations
- Keep lists of things to remove for production