Camano Voice
Episode null
Season 1
Bonus Episode #1: Brian Radford - Owner of Tapped Public House
Links to Things Mentioned in this Episode:
Key Points of Interest:
- Where did Brian start his restaurant career?
- Find out Brian’s first management job
- Hear about his very short stint at WSU, and bounced around many colleges
- Finally graduated from Western and then moved to Hawaii
- Much of his experience came from his work within the Nordstrom Restaurant
- Brian explains his viewpoint on management vs leadership
- Here how he was able to take a trip from Mexico to French Polynesia on a sailboat!
- After starting with Nordstrom again, he eventually left for FareStart
- Farestart works with people who come disadvantage pasts, and teaches then culinary skills
- Discover what Brian is so excited to get Tapped open!
- Get a sneak peak of what Tapped will have on the menu!
Camano Island Locations Mentioned in this Episode: