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Episode 686
Season 1
Monday, The Sixth Week of Epiphany
Today's Reading: Deut. 30:15-20
Daily Lectionary: Job 9:1-35, John 4:46-54
“Obeying his voice and holding fast to him, for he is your life and length of days” (Deuteronomy 30:20)
In the Name + of Jesus. Amen. If there were ever a passage that seems to support decision theology, it’s this one. “I have set before you today life and good, death and evil…therefore choose life!” Martin Luther strongly debated a popular scholar of his day, Erasmus of Rotterdam, on this very passage. Erasmus that since God gave the command, “Choose,” it must mean we’re able to do it. Luther countered that just because God commanded it, doesn’t mean we have the power to do it. Rather, this is how the Law humbles us and drives us to Christ.
is giving a description of faith versus unbelief, manifested in how one reacts to God and His Word. Loving the Lord, walking in His ways, keeping His Word—only faith is able to do this. A heart turned away, refusing to hear, being drawn to other gods—this is our default because of sin.
You can think of it like a magnet. Unbelief reacts to God’s Word the way that same poles on a magnet repel. “The natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him.” (1 Corinthians 2:14) Our sinful flesh pushes away the Word of God. On the other hand, faith is attracted to and clings to the Word of God. It says, “Oh how I love your law! It is my meditation all the day…I hold back my feet from every evil way, in order to keep your word.” (Psalm 119:97, 101)
But how did we come to believe and gladly be reading a Higher Things Reflection? This is the work of the Lord your God. The One who called Israel out of Egypt and brought them with a mighty hand, has also come to you with His life-giving Spirit. the Word of God reached you—in the waters of your Baptism, shared by your family, perhaps later in life by a Christian friend—and He powerfully raised you from spiritual death.
God has created this faith in you, achieving the polar opposite of sin. As His Spirit works in you, you do love the Lord, delight to walk in His ways, and keeping His Word sacred with a glad heart. It’s far from perfect or constant this side of the resurrection. Nevertheless, God promises to be continually at work in you, His child. He will bring you at last to Himself, victorious over sin, the devil, and death itself! In the Name + of Jesus. Amen.
Oh, what blessing to be near You And to listen to Your voice; Let me ever love and hear You,
Let Your Word be now my choice! Many hardened sinners, Lord, Flee in terror at Your Word;
Let Your Word be now my choice! Many hardened sinners, Lord, Flee in terror at Your Word;
But to all who feel sin’s burden You give words of peace and pardon. Amen. (LSB 589:2)
-Pastor Michael A. Miller is Pastor at Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Lebanon, OR.,
Audio Reflections Speaker: Patrick Sturdivant, Development and Marketing Executive at Higher Things.
Study Christ's words on the cross to see how you can show more Christlike grace in your life. Perfect for group or individual study, each chapter has a Q&A at the end, and the back of the book includes a leader guide. Available now from Concordia Publishing House.
-Pastor Michael A. Miller is Pastor at Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Lebanon, OR.,
-Pastor Michael A. Miller is Pastor at Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Lebanon, OR.,
Audio Reflections Speaker: Patrick Sturdivant, Development and Marketing Executive at Higher Things.
Study Christ's words on the cross to see how you can show more Christlike grace in your life. Perfect for group or individual study, each chapter has a Q&A at the end, and the back of the book includes a leader guide. Available now from Concordia Publishing House.