Circuit Break - A MacroFab Podcast
Episode 87
Season 1
EP#87: Liquid Hot “Magma”
- Parker
- PinHeck update! Rev8 EOTL
- Adding RPI3 CM module to the board.
- Reorganized the Schematic after 5 years of hacks and additions
- Printed a new HAKKO key
- New key costs $15!
- 3D printed one in 17 minutes
- Stephen
- Making an iSpindel - A budget version of the Tilt hydrometer
- Floats in liquid and by how the device tilts it measures the density and temperature of the fermenting beer
- GY-521 Gyro & Acceleration Sensor on a breakout
- DS18B20 Temperature Sensor
- Lipo charger TP4056
- Zapp from the Slack Channel
- Would you rather have your evil engineering lair 1000 ft under water or in an active volcano? This is assuming that you have overcome all challenges related to living in such harsh environments.
- Stephen picks water - cold, dark, and dank - Sealab Stephen edition
- Parker picks Volcano - infinite energy source! Get to drive the Jeep into a volcano!
Tips: 3D printing is awesome, Evil Engineering Lair, HAKKO, iSpindel, MacroFab, macrofab engineering podcast, MEP, PinHeck, Podcast, The power of the sun in your hands