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The Bentonville Beacon
Episode 57
Season 1
Innovating Solutions to Bring Joy to Cyclists with the Smith Brothers of Altangle Cycling
March 6, 2023
Bentonville Economic Development | Greater Bentonville Area Chamber of Commerce
Full Transcript
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On this episode of The Bentonville Beacon, host James Bell is joined by Squires and Scott Smith, Founders of Altangle Cycling, where Squires serves as President and Scott is the CEO.
Altangle Cycling makes high-quality, innovative products that help solve common problems associated with owning and maintaining a bicycle. After growing up in an entrepreneurial family and in the outdoors, both brothers journeyed down separate paths after college. Squires went into industrial construction, and Scott worked in corporate finance before they ventured into the startup world to bring Altangle Cycling to life. Throughout the episode, James, Squires and Scott discuss the intention behind Altangle Cycling, why it relocated to Bentonville and what it’s like being business partners as brothers.
Thanks for tuning in!
Show Notes
(0:52) Introduction to Squires and Scott
(1:21) About Squires
(3:18) About Scott
(8:08) The History behind Altangle Cycling
(10:54) About Altangle Cycling
(13:43) From Idea to Reality
(26:27) Altangle’s Move to Bentonville
(30:38) Being Embraced by the Bentonville Community
(34:44) Benefits of Having Altangle Cycling in Bentonville
(41:25) #BecauseBentonville Story
(44:06) From Banker to Founder
(46:13) Being an Inventor
(50:02) What’s Next for Altangle Cycling
(53:05) Closing Questions
“Simply put, our mission is to make high-quality, innovative products that help solve common obstacles associated with owning and maintaining a bicycle. So we ultimately want to have a full product line that at its core helps people enjoy cycling, and all things cycling related, to their fullest extent.” - Scott Smith, (10:59)
“You can see it too, everything happening here is so incredibly intentional, you know? And when you see a city that’s growing really quickly and then the intention behind that growth inspires a lot of confidence, you’re coming into something where you can see the end goal and there's an opportunity to be a part of the end goal.” - Squires Smith, (29:03)
“It doesn’t matter what your job is, if it’s a startup or not, it may feel a little intensified at the moment, but it’s really easy to bury yourself in your work, but Bentonville has a really good way of keeping you focused but balanced.” - Squires Smith, (35:09)
“People ask me, ‘How do you work with your brother?’ I can work with him because we’re so different and I think we have a pretty good sense of what our lane is and staying in our lane…The most important thing we had to do was trust each other.” - Scott Smith, (48:10)