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The Next Reel Film Podcast
Episode 17
Season 1
Se7en • The Next Reel
Well, movie lovers, it's that time. We've hit the end of our Benjamin Button style Fincher Fest. This week, Pete Wright and Andy Nelson talk about David Fincher's knock-you-out-of-your-seat detective thriller Seven, or Se7en if you prefer. Join us as we talk about how we feel about this film now that we've worked backward through Fincher's oeuvre. We talk about all the wonderful performances (though we get sidetracked on Brad Pitt and don't give Morgan Freeman enough attention) and how Fincher really from the start knew how to work with his actors as well as his technical partners. We discuss the script and how it found its way to Fincher. We hash through the ending and what other endings it could have had. And we chat about the bleach bypass process that Fincher used to give the film its look. It's a stellar film that stands out as a highlight in Fincher's career and we look forward to you joining us this week as we talk about it on "Movies We Like!"
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