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Where's the Lemonade?
Episode 38
Season 1
Podcast 1:38 - An Attitude of Gratitude
In this episode find out how gratitude helps fight depression and anxiety by re-wiring the brain. Find out how we have tried to teach our kids real gratitude, what works and what we did wrong.
Why is Gratitude so important
- It rewires the brain
- Increases will power
- Keeps you calm
- Boost morale
- Count your blessings
- The more you practice gratitude, the more attuned you are to it and the more you can enjoy its psychological benefits.
How to Cultivate Gratitude
Teaching Kids Gratitude
- What we NOTICE in our lives for which we can be grateful
- How we THINK about why we have been given those things
- How we FEEL about the things we have been given
- What we DO to express appreciation in turn
Tools to help with gratitude
- Gratitude Journal (Write down daily three things you are grateful)
- Write letters of thanks to people in your life.
- Give a "call out" or "ata boy" to someone each day.
- Donate to a charity to show gratitude
- Volunteer at a charitable organization. (
- Recognition awards - Darren's work has the ability to say thank you with a recognition award.
- Gratitude bucks - We have done this to teach children how to show gratitude.
Lemonade Moment of the Week
- Our kids and grandkids tell us what they are thankful for.