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Cedarville Stories
Episode 24
Season 7
S7:E24 | Chuck Elliott
Deep Calls for Life
Good health is not something to take for granted. Just ask Dr. Chuck Elliott, Senior Professor of Communication at Cedarville University.
Throughout his life, he’s been a model of good health. That was until he began experiencing severe headaches and uncontrollable high blood pressure while teaching in Hong Kong. Ultimately, the high blood pressure left significant damage to Chuck’s kidneys, and two years ago, doctors noticed a significant change in his health.
He was in the beginning stages of kidney failure. Just one year later in May 2022, Chuck’s kidneys were in full-blown failure, causing him to need dialysis — nine hours every day.
With the reality of needing a kidney to survive, Chuck was in a difficult position. How does a person go about getting a new kidney?
With the reality of needing a kidney to survive, Chuck was in a difficult position. How does a person go about getting a new kidney?
It’s not like Chuck to share his situation with anyone, let alone ask someone if they would donate a kidney to him. This was an uncomfortable situation for someone who made his life as a communications professor.
Well, several Cedarville University students were presented with class projects that could help Chuck in his quest of a new kidney.
Enter Deep Calls for Life, a project headed by a team of marketing and communication students. Their sole purpose was to create a social media campaign that would communicate Chuck’s health crisis and his need of a kidney transplant — preferably from a live donor — for their beloved professor.
As part of a virtual communication class project, the students created a social media campaign intended to bring hope to the Cedarville professor, and, possibly someone who could provide the perfect kidney for Chuck.