The Modern CFO
Episode 24
Season 1
Evolving Against Sea Change with CFO Lee Westerfield
The challenge of a CFO’s role is more than just being the pillar of confidence and stability in any organization: their hands are on the financial tiller. They must be the cornerstone that a CEO can draw confidence.
Whether navigating downturn conditions, balancing your company’s runway with its growth, or keeping your team strong despite the competitive hurdles, they must always be on deck.
These and more are matters in which Lee Westerfield - Chief Financial Officer, strategic financial advisor, and Columbia alumnus - is intimately experienced. With his depth of insight and his passion for knowledge, he keeps both eyes on the ever-shifting horizon of success in today’s economy.
In this episode of The Modern CFO, Lee talks with Andrew about how things never really change, and why staying committed has kept him both competitive and successful.
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