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Unlocking Business Growth - exploring achievements, challenges and what's interesting
Episode 38
Season 1
Daniel Major | Excellence in ESG Now Moving to Develop a Uranium Mine At GoviEx
Having entered the world of mining in part by accident Daniel Major has accumulated impressive experience in the operations, financing and management sides of the industry. Going full circle from uranium in Africa, through platinum, gold, mergers and acquisitions, and even investment banking in parts of Africa, Russia, South America, and Canada he returned to African uranium as CEO of GoviEx.
GoviEx is well positioned to take advantage of the move to clean energy, and specifically nuclear energy, that is more reliable, cleaner, and safer than alternatives. Their first uranium mine, in Niger, West Africa, one of the most significant areas of producing sandstone-hosted uranium deposits in the world, is forecast to begin producing by 2025.
GoviEX’s culture is to add value for all stakeholders and focus on ESG. They utilize a 100% local employment strategy at all of their properties in Niger, Mali and Zambia, and work extensively with the communities they form a part of.
Historically investors have derived the largest return when a mineral investment is acquired, or goes from developer to producer. GoviEx is poised to do exactly that with the development of the mine. The last time the market looked like it does now uranium went to $140 a pound (currently around $46) so do we expect history to repeat itself?
Tune in to hear about:
- What career was Daniel Major asked to consider before he chose engineering?
- Why is international travel and work experience invaluable in business success?
- Why has exploration funding neglected Africa and why is that changing now?
- Just how small have nuclear reactors become? What scale is now possible?
- And more.
Mentioned in this episode:
GoviEX Website