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Episode 10
Season 2
Robert DeLanghe, Creative Polymath
Welcome to BuiltOnAir, a podcast and video series about all things Airtable. Each week, we talk with someone active in the Airtable community to discuss their experiences and showcase an interesting way they’ve used Airtable in their work.
This week we welcome Robert DeLanghe, a workflow consultant from Brooklyn, NY.
Robert is a polymath whose experiences and interests have spanned the gambit from the arts to data, design, manufacturing, coding, and more. His academic background is in Architecture and Sculpture. When he moved to New York City in 2013, he immersed himself in the maker scene and specialized in digital fabrication collaborations with artists and designers. Then he worked in production management at Roll & Hill, a luxury lighting design and fabrication studio. This drew him into the world of reporting and data analysis, which he continues to explore in his current pursuits. In his own words, he works better in a state of “constant frustration”.
Onscreen, Robert gives us a peek under the hood of his awesome Rock Paper Scissors game that he built in Airtable. His creation is the winner of Airtable’s recent Formula Contest, and Robert illustrates how he leverages Airtable’s forms, formulas, and Page Designer block – plus his own analytical skill and creativity – to construct this delightful diversion. He also gives us a sneak peek into his next game-building project in Airtable: a base that allows you and your friends to play blackjack!
BuiltOnAir is sponsored by Openside.
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