Fringe Legal
Episode 2
Season 3
S3.E2 Love Legal speaks with Fringe Legal
People don't love legal and, if we can help people to love the legal process, um, I think that's, that's really where it [the idea] came from.
In the episode today we cover:
- How Love Legal got their start
- How making improvements to the design can help people to love the legal process
- What are some of the considerations when thinking about the consumer point of view, especially for B2C or B2B2C businesses
- We do also specifically talk about (and speculate) on what might be the future of Will writing, estates law, and execution using instruments such as smart contracts
how online presence does affect, people's decision making. It was something like 50% of millennials care about a law firm’s website compared to 20% of boomers....if law firms are looking ahead or looking deep into the future, say 15 years, there's going to be a massive change
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