Myths & ADHD Medication with Dr. William Dodson
What do you know about your ADHD medications? We didn’t know much, so we brought in the expert, Dr. William Dodson, a Board-Certified adult psychiatrist and one of the first clinicians who specialized in adults with ADHD decades ago.
Because here’s the thing: we don’t deal much with ADHD meds. As a coach, Nikki refers folks to their physicians. And apart from being a patient himself, Pete’s experience dealing with medications is far from diverse. And yet, the field of questions we get from folks in our community relating to medications is vast. Today, we start the process of getting those questions answered.
Not Debunking Myths, Clarifying Understanding
As Dr. Dodson says, no one ultimately is going to care about your specific decision around medication other than you. But it’s important that you have the data you need to get your questions answered before you make that decision yourself. We can say this for sure: Dr. Dodson is a professional in the field with qualified experience in practice and a respected and verified source. We hope you find something you can take away from this discussion that helps you in your decision-making.
About William W. Dodson, M.D., LF-APA
Dr. Bill Dodson is a Board-Certified adult psychiatrist was one of the first clinicians who specialized in adults with ADHD 25 years ago. He has been on the faculties of Georgetown University and the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center. He was named a Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association in recognition of his clinical contributions to the field of ADHD (2012).
He was the recipient of the national Maxwell Schleifer Award for Distinguished Service to Persons with Disabilities (2006). He has written more than 120 articles and book chapters designed to help a lay audience better understand ADHD and its treatment.
Dr. Dodson is now semi-retired and devotes most of his professional time to working with homeless adolescents on the streets of Denver and writing a book about the optimal treatment of ADHD in both children and adults.
★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★Chapters
- Welcome to The ADHD Podcast
- Support the Show • Become a Patron
- Introducing Dr. Bill Dodson
- Standards and practices for Medication
- The Acid Warning!
- Sleep and Meds
- Controlled versus Non-Controlled Substances
- Pregnancy and ADHD Meds
- Addiction • "The White Male Phenomenon"
- The Tolerance Myth
- Medication and Heart Conditions
- The Risks of Non-Treatment
- Find your Finely-Tuned Sweet Spot
- Risks for Exercising with Stimulant Medications
- Decline in Affect after Long-term use
- Long-acting versus short-acting stimulants
- Dr. Dodson's RSD Research Request
- Find Bill