The Football Manager Football Show
Episode 59
Season 6
E59: Hard work pays off, dreams come true, bad times don't last, but bad guys do
As the wrestling world mourns the loss of Scott Hall aka Razor Ramon, we've been playing our way through the month of October this week with just a few hours nabbed for game time as we've got ourselves a double bank holiday for the first time ever in Ireland.
Yes, with St. Patrick's Day on Thursday, the government have only gone and given us a Covid bank holiday on Friday meaning we've recorded a day early this week.
It doesn't change the dynamic mind, as we get through another two or three league games with our second round of group games in the Champions League to follow.
There's a thriller at Anfield, thrashings at Bologna, hassle from Haaland and the bitter taste of defeat is in the air for both Milan and Inter this week #spoileralert
We've also got one host who's determined to break the record for swearing in the podcast so you may need to rinse out your ears after this week's episode.
As always, you can follow us on Twitter @FMFShow and come say hi there. We've got a treat lined up in time for episode 60 and we've got to thank FM Elder for the mugs this week too - a great addition to the office and recording time!