Simply Convivial: Homemaking, Homeschooling, and Home Life Tips for Christian Moms
Episode 379
Season 1
Skyrocket your productivity as a stay-at-home mom with index cards!
Take the free index card challenge:
Learn how to skyrocket your productivity as a stay-at-home mom using index cards! These simple tools can help you get more done and stay organized. Watch this video to learn how.
Mystie Winckler encourages moms to organize their attitudes and get traction at home so we are no longer overwhelmed or frustrated with homemaking. We are a community of Christian women striving to be competent, cheerful homemakers so we are fruitful, faithful, and hospitable. Subscribe for regular encouragement!
📖 Get my latest book - Simplified Organization: Learn to Love What Must Be Done
➡️ Take the free daily card challenge and get more done by focusing on less: https://
🏆 Enroll in Convivial Circle and learn to love what must be done so you stop feeling overwhelmed: