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The Next Reel Film Podcast
Episode 55
Season 12
John Wick • The Next Reel
“Now that I have found my peace, find yours.”
Time to Avenge the Dead Puppy with John Wick
Time to Avenge the Dead Puppy with John Wick
It took some time to get all the right players so the movie John Wick could move forward. Luckily, everything worked out and stunt coordinators Chad Stahelski and David Leitch got the opportunity to direct their first big film. Derek Kolstad’s script had all the right magic and Keanu Reeves reinvented himself yet again with a title that surprised everyone. Join us – Pete Wright and Andy Nelson as we kick off our John Wick series where it all started, Stahelski’s 2014 film John Wick.
Here’s a hint at what we talk about.
Pete loves this movie. Andy enjoys it but it’s never excited him as much as other people. That’s a good starting place for the conversation. Why does it work so well for some and others don’t take to it as much? We also talk about the way this got made and how rare something like that happens where all the pieces fall in place just right. How would this have felt if a septuagenerian was playing the lead? We spend a bit of time digging into the stunt work and why it helps the story, but perhaps also leaves it feeling overly clinical through some eyes. The world-building is spectacular though!
There’s plenty to discuss with this and it’s exciting that its success spurred on an entire franchise. We have a great time talking about it, so check it out then tune in. The Next Reel – when the movie ends, our conversation begins!
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- Welcome to The Next Reel • John Wick
- John Wick Series
- Rating and Announcements
- Initial Thoughts
- Getting It Made
- Wick's Age
- Baba Yaga
- Revenge Thrillers
- Antagonists
- Story Setup
- Marcus
- The Continental
- Weird Value of Coins
- World Building
- Stunts, Chad, and David
- Too Clinical
- Reeves' Learning Curve
- The Look
- Marvel Adjacent
- Kung Fu Panda Adjacent
- Credits
- Sequels, Etc.
- Awards
- The Box Office
- Co-Directing
- Last Thoughts
- Coming Next Week • John Wick: Chapter 2
- Letterboxd
- Wrap Up