The Engage For Good Podcast with Alli Murphy
Episode 145
Season 1
145: How H&R Block Uses Cause Marketing to Cultivate Tomorrow's Clients
Today on Cause Talk Radio, Megan and Joe talk to Kathy Collins, Chief Marketing Officer for the tax preparation company H&R Block, about the company's Dollars & Sense financial literacy program. Founded in 2009, the program gives kids of all ages the understanding they need to manage their personal finances.
On the show, Megan, Kathy, and Joe discuss:
- How H&R Block created Dollars & Sense specifically for teens. High schoolers are not financially ready for the real world when they graduate.
- How the decision to create the program was a personal. Many members of the H&R Block's senior team had teenagers.
- The three audiences for the program: teachers, parents, and students. Parents find it harder to talk about financial planning than they do sex!
- H&R Block's launch of the Budget Challenge a 10-week classroom program that students do on their phones to make real-world financial decisions. The winners received a $20,000 college scholarship. H&R Block gives away a total of $3 million n scholarships!
- How H&R Block got into public schools - not an easy feat!
- How H&R Block is involving employees and customers in the program, and the benefits of the program for local H&R Block reps.
- How Dollars & Sense is another example of a company leading with their own cause as opposed to partnering with a nonprofit.
- How to sell a cause marketing program to the c-suite.