The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly • The Next Reel
The last of Leone's 'Man with no name' trilogy is the longest and considered by many to be the best. By the time he made it, he was a much more assured and mature storyteller. And it shows. Join us — Pete Wright and Andy Nelson — as we finish the trilogy with 1966's "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly." We talk about Leone and the style he's been developing over the course of this trilogy, and what he brings to the table this go-around. We chat about both the climactic gun fight as well as the scene immediately after it, and look at what the filmmakers and storytellers were working to convey in these sequences. We discuss Clint Eastwood, Lee Van Cleef and the new-to-Leone's-films Eli Wallach, who brilliantly plays Tuco. And we chat about many on the crew who helped make this film what it is. It's a fantastic film, even if Pete prefers the prior one. Watch the movie then tune in!
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