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Arrggh! A Video Game Podcast from The Waffling Taylors
Episode 178
Season 1
Worth a Try - Streets of Rage 2
Join Squidge as he relives the joys of fighting for justice in the fiery streets of 90s gaming. From infectious soundtracks and buttery-smooth controls to hilariously fun boss battles and sibling rivalries, this episode is a hilarious celebration of the pixelated nostalgia that made Streets of Rage Two a beloved classic.
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Episode Transcription
Remember that you can always get in touch with us on our Facebook page, on Twitter, or with our Contact page.
Episode Transcription
Let me tell you of the epic tale of Streets of Rage 2, a game that not only rocked the gaming world back in the 90s, but continues to tantalizingly tickle our nostalgia bones today. It's a story of sibling rivalries, pixelated brawls, breaking barrels, and a street so enraged it would make the Incredible Hulk pee his pants.
So sit back, grab some snacks, and let me tell you, in a nutshell, why Streets of Rage 2 is worth your time.
Let's do this.
So, Streets of Rage 2. It was the early 90s, and if you weren't playing Sonic the Hedgehog, you were probably hanging out with the gang Axel, Blaze, Max and Skate - who sounds more like a hip-hop dance move than a character name. Let's not get bogged down with the names. Let's just talk about what made this game truly unforgettable.
First thing I've got to mention: soundtrack.
Streets of Rage 2 had a banging soundtrack that was just so infectious. You'd catch yourself humming it during meetings or in school - I was a kid back then - maybe in the middle of a budget review or a geography class, for example. And suddenly it's like you're back in those pixelated, rage filled streets, bashing thugs over the head with lead pipes and rightfully kicking them in the shins while you pick up the apples from trash cans. Gonna be honest, not the most hygienic place to find your fruit. But hey, if you're in the middle of a brawl, you take what you can get. I mean, let's face it, it's a load better than eating trash can turkeys. Looking at you, Metro City.
And speaking of brawls, gameplay was just legendary. You couldn't beat it. I mean, the controls were so smooth, it was like butter on hot toast... or hot butter on cold toast.
You walk up to a thug, bop him in the face, and then send him flying with a spinning kick. A "rent a car" (grand upper) or a "hub cheeky". Simple, easy to learn, hard to master. Soon you'd be throwing thugs into the throng of gang members, with great glee and giggles all around. It was a bit like playing a superhero. A pixelated, buff as hell, hard as nails superhero. And that's what we all wanted, you know, the simple life.
Let's not forget the story, shall we.
Full Show Notes
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Links of Interest
So sit back, grab some snacks, and let me tell you, in a nutshell, why Streets of Rage 2 is worth your time.
Let's do this.
So, Streets of Rage 2. It was the early 90s, and if you weren't playing Sonic the Hedgehog, you were probably hanging out with the gang Axel, Blaze, Max and Skate - who sounds more like a hip-hop dance move than a character name. Let's not get bogged down with the names. Let's just talk about what made this game truly unforgettable.
First thing I've got to mention: soundtrack.
Streets of Rage 2 had a banging soundtrack that was just so infectious. You'd catch yourself humming it during meetings or in school - I was a kid back then - maybe in the middle of a budget review or a geography class, for example. And suddenly it's like you're back in those pixelated, rage filled streets, bashing thugs over the head with lead pipes and rightfully kicking them in the shins while you pick up the apples from trash cans. Gonna be honest, not the most hygienic place to find your fruit. But hey, if you're in the middle of a brawl, you take what you can get. I mean, let's face it, it's a load better than eating trash can turkeys. Looking at you, Metro City.
And speaking of brawls, gameplay was just legendary. You couldn't beat it. I mean, the controls were so smooth, it was like butter on hot toast... or hot butter on cold toast.
You walk up to a thug, bop him in the face, and then send him flying with a spinning kick. A "rent a car" (grand upper) or a "hub cheeky". Simple, easy to learn, hard to master. Soon you'd be throwing thugs into the throng of gang members, with great glee and giggles all around. It was a bit like playing a superhero. A pixelated, buff as hell, hard as nails superhero. And that's what we all wanted, you know, the simple life.
Let's not forget the story, shall we.
Full Show Notes
Check out the full show notes for some extra stuff, and some links to related things.
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Signing Off... For Now
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