Eating Tomorrow
Episode 4
Season 1
Tonight at 10
Try this. Close your eyes. Add ten years to your age. Now, think about sitting down to dinner in your house. Who else is there? Where is your house? What kind of music are each of you streaming into your personalized experience domes?
What happens when a lot of us try to think about the future is we drift into fanciful science fiction. However, the fact is a lot of those ideas we think are so distant are already here. Printable foods, robot nutritionists, and edible packaging all exist right now.
In this episode of Eating Tomorrow, we uncover the not-so-obvious, quiet trends that have the potential to drastically impact the future of food. We examine the human values, assumptions, and traditions that define a “good food.” And, of course, it would not be an episode about the future of food without talking about artificial intelligence.
What are the trends on the horizon that could disrupt the future of food? What assumptions do we make about food and what it means to us?