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The Talking Silkworm Podcast
Episode 19
Season 1
Interview With Gordon Firemark
In the world of podcasting, success extends beyond captivating content and top-notch equipment. Understanding podcasting's legal aspects is crucial to safeguard yourself, your guests, and your audience. There are four key legal areas to consider, even when things are running smoothly. From contract governance to guest releases, protecting hosts and guests is paramount. Red flags in selecting guests, content disclaimers, and guarding against defamation are all essential for responsible podcasting. Remember, hosts can be liable for false statements, emphasizing the significance of presenting multiple perspectives to avoid an echo chamber. For business podcasters, three key tips can pave the way to success. So, let's explore the podcasting world responsibly and stay legally informed!
- Gordon joins the podcast. 1:15
- Gordon's background in the entertainment industry. 3:00
- The blue ocean strategy for podcasting. 5:00
- Why should people care about the legal side of a podcast? 8:00
- The four categories of legal issues. 10:40
- Nothing bad happens when things are going well. 13:05
- State which country or state law will govern the terms of the contract. 15:10
- How does a guest release protect both the host and the guest? 17:10
- How to buy the best recording equipment? 19:50
- Red flags to look out for on a potential guest. 21:40
- The content of the show and disclaimers.24:15
- How to protect yourself against libel defamation. 26:45
- Hosts and producers can be held liable for false statements. 30:05
- The importance of giving voice to multiple sides of an issue. 32:30
- The danger of becoming an echo chamber. 34:20
- Three key tips for running a podcast for business. 35:50