The Myth Pilgrim
Episode 16
Season 1
15 The Virgin Mary in Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings
Why does Tolkien cite Mary as his primary inspiration for "beauty both in majesty and simplicity"? Deepen in your own love for Mother Mary this episode! Reflect on her example, her mission and her power. Be amazed at the way Marian theology permeates the entire The Lord of the Rings.
Full Transcript of episode available on websitePiano music this episode thanks to Keys of Peace:
Website YouTube SpotifyExcerpt from episode:
"When a Jesuit friend once wrote to Tolkien regarding how Mary-like so many of his characters were, he replied: “I think I know exactly what you mean … by your references to Our Lady, upon which all my own small perception of beauty both in majesty and simplicity is founded.” Wow, that’s high praise for Mary! Now this is not at all saying that characters like Galadriel or Eowyn were meant to directly symbolise Mary, or be a caricature of her. No. Tolkien’s genius is that he is able to infuse his faith across many characters and themes, so much so that his Catholicism permeates his work, saturating it with divine grace. As philosopher Peter Kreeft once commented: it’s actually hard to name what isn’t Catholic about The Lord of the Rings. It makes up such an essence to his story that it becomes imperceptible, maybe a little like how Jesus is so much in the essence of the Eucharist, that he becomes imperceptible!"