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Be a Marketer with Dave Charest
Episode 46
Season 1
Finding Your Calling with Gail Bernardo
Gail Bernardo, owner of Invisilace Hair Spa, emphasizes the value of patience and persistence in business growth, as well as the power of combining online marketing with personal, face-to-face interactions.
Gail also believes in the power of consistent customer contact. In her experience, even if a potential client doesn't require her services immediately, maintaining contact through newsletters means that when they do need her services, her business is top of mind.
Gail recounts what she’s learned about marketing, “Sometimes it's not always instant. It may take time for your customer to come...and some people just think, oh, if I send out 500 brochures or I do this and do that, it's not working because in 30 days no one called me. So sometimes you have to be patient and you have to wait.”
She’s successfully leveraged local resources, online marketing, and personal interactions to grow her business of 13 years.
On this episode of Be a Marketer, Gail and host Dave Charest, Director of Small Business Success at Constant Contact, discuss the importance of marketing for small businesses. Gail shares her strategies for building relationships with customers, including collecting email addresses at events and following up with Constant Contact newsletters.
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Meet Today’s Guest: Gail Bernardo of Invisilace Hair Spa
☕ What she does: Since 2010, Gail Bernardo has been helping people with hair loss or thinning due to life-changing health issues. For Gail, it’s more than just a business. It's part of her calling. And she doesn’t take it lightly. After personal struggles with hair loss due to cancer, she knows what it means to her clients to feel good about themselves.
💡 Key quote: "Do your homework before you decide that you're going to open up a business. Understand that it's going to take some time and it's not going to take a whole bunch of money."
👋 Where to find her: LinkedIn
👋 Where to find Invisilace Hair Spa: Website
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