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The Friday Habit
Episode 3
Season 1
How To Stay Focused at Work
Too often, distractions invade our world and keep us from accomplishing everything we have set out to do in a certain timeframe. Whether you find that your distractions are of your own making or the result of those who work around you, hopefully you can find some good insights and action items in these 3 simple strategies for staying focused at work:
- Stick to a time management plan such as the Pomodoro technique – Block out some time during your day when you can commit 25 minutes to focus on one task with no distractions whatsoever followed by a 5-minute break. You can then evaluate whether you need to commit to another 25-minute session to that same task or move on to a different focused task, followed by another 5-minute break. There are many helpful apps and tools to help facilitate this focused time/break time balance, but the easiest is just setting a timer on your phone. You will likely find that by spending such concentrated time on a single task skyrockets your productivity and helps you do your best work.
- Wear noise cancelling headphones – In addition to the obvious benefits of blocking out ambient and distracting noise, wearing headphones sends a message to those around you that you are in focus mode and they should leave you alone. Mark recommends the Apple AirPods Pro in-ear headphones with noise-cancelling and Ben recommends the Bose Quiet Comfort 2 over-ear headphones.
- Set boundaries – If your workplace culture will permit it, clearly communicate with your coworkers and boss that you set aside certain times of the day for focused work. Perhaps block out time on your shared calendar so people know not to schedule meetings with or try to call you during those times and/or establish “open office hours” when those around you are permitted to stop by to talk to you.
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