Clotheshorse with Amanda Lee McCarty
Episode 13
Season 1
Episode 11: Blue Butts, Blue Legs, and Blue Office Chairs: Denim Part I
We dive into the HIGHLY problematic world of the denim industry, with special guest and mega denim expert Michelle.
"Am I profiting off of someone else's misery?" Michelle said this during our conversation and it has stuck with us since we recorded this weeks ago.
Denim is the All-American fabric and jeans are the quintessential uniform of Americana, yet the denim industry is one of the most environmentally devastating parts of the overall fashion industry. We will dig into the processes and treatments our jeans undergo before they get to us. It's so fascinating and sure to make you think a little bit more about your denim buying habits! Also, WTF is "coated denim?"
This episode also includes a special report about
a recently published batch of studies from Princeton University about a pervasive and destructive societal bias about people living in poverty: the fundamentally untrue belief that poor people are happier with less and somehow "thick-skinned" about hardship and suffering. It wouldn't be an episode of Clotheshorse without a conversation about classism!
Also! We are debuting a new "Ask Amanda" advice segment in our next episode. Send in your greatest shopping and clothing quandaries! Or simply questions you have about the industry. We want to help you make the best decisions! Send your questions to