The Langley Files: CIA's Podcast
Episode 5
Season 3
FILE 017 - CIA Cyber Safety 101
CIA’s digital systems need to process some of the most sensitive data in the world—intelligence that is vital to keeping Americans safe and must be kept from falling into the wrong hands. But who is responsible for ensuring the security of those systems? And do they have any best practices that you could incorporate into your own tech life? On this episode of The Langley Files, you’ll find out. Dee and Walter are sitting down with Jennifer Link, CIA’s Chief Information Security Officer, to discuss her background and responsibilities, and how she goes about keeping herself cyber-safe in everyday life. So, from mystery phone calls and online pop ups to the increasing world of cyber-enabled home appliances—this is an episode chock full of CIA cyber safety news you can use.
Look Inside FILE 017
Want to dive deeper into today’s episode? Here's a look into more of Langley's (unclassified) files:
Interested in cyber security and want to take your skills to the next level? Put them to the test defending CIA—and the nation—from cyber threats. Check out career opportunities as a CIA Cyber Security Officer
Did you know that Morocco borders both the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea? Learn incredible facts about places near and far with
CIA’s World Factbook.