Simply Convivial: Biblical Homemaking & Homeschooling—Without Stress or Burnout
Episode 192
Season 1
118. Old-Fashioned Homemaking
Homemaking has fallen on hard times for the last hundred or more years. Though it’s been devalued by our culture, it’s not lost any value in reality to the family. Homemakers don’t need to be full-time to be vital to their families and, yes, to the whole world and society at large.
Homemaking is not about achieving a certain look or state in the home. Homemaking is a process, a service, of love through hospitality to those who live in and enter into our home.
Let’s take a deeper look at what homemaking really is, with this excerpt from a member-only mentoring session. Every week inside Simply Convivial Continuing Education, I share about a topic relevant to our lives and work as homemakers so that we can stay motivated, inspired, and on track, learning and growing and spurred on to more love and good works. I’m excited to share this little peek into our community today.
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