Underworld: Awakening • The Next Reel
By the time the Underworld franchise swung around to the fourth entry, it largely had a new team behind all of it. Sure, Len Wiseman was still on as producer and story and Kate Beckinsale was still leading the charge as Selene the vampire death dealer, but they join new writers, directors, crew, and cast. So how does this new direction for the franchise hold up? Join us – Pete Wright and Andy Nelson – as we continue our Underworld series with Måns Mårlind’s and Björn Stein’s 2012 film Underworld: Awakening.
We talk about the return to this world and debate the creative decisions in how they move the story forward while leaving the look largely locked in from the previous films. We look at what this new cast is doing and how well they work. We ponder the many tropes included in this film. And we debate new elements added to werewolf and vampire lore.
It’s a bit of a mess of a film, but did we have fun watching it? Yes we did. So check it out then tune in to this week’s show. The Next Reel – when the movie ends, our conversation begins!
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- This Is The Next Reel •
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- Initial Thoughts
- Who Is Awakening?
- Flashbacks... Again
- We Hate Lycans Again!...?
- Still Fun Though!
- Human War
- Animated Setup • Endless War
- Timeline? We don't need no stinkin' timeline!
- Coolness Over Story
- These Movies Just Blend Together
- She Blinded Me With Lycan Science
- Script Problems
- Trope Corner
- Selene's Cool Double Gun Move
- The Vampire Dance
- Needles in Eyeballs
- Kate Is Back
- Familial Evolution – Seeing Through Each Other's Eyes
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