The Well
Episode 46
Season 1
Love (Advent Series: Luke 2:18-19)
(Advent Series Part 4 of 4) A guided time with God through prayer and reflection on Scripture. In this final Well episode of 2022, explore the theme of LOVE. Mary's story is a remarkable story, one that we can find a lot of our own story within, especially this year. Dig into the Hebrew concept of Hesed (committed love) and the Greek concept of Agape (others-oriented love) as you are held closely by Him. Written by Brandon Bathauer. Please share your comments and thoughts, we’d love to hear from you. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to “The Well” on apple podcasts or your podcast app of choice: If you'd like to read through at your own pace, here is a link to the manuscript of this episode: We'd love to hear from you! Share your thoughts about this reflection here: