GCF NAGA English Sermons
Episode 105
Season 11
Warning vs. Hypocrisy in Prayer - Wise Community
Wise Community
Warning vs. Hypocrisy in Prayer (Matthew 6:5-15)
The Lord Jesus gave a warning to His disciples. The warning covered giving to the needy, prayer, and fasting. He wanted His disciples to veer away from the examples of the hypocrites. Hypocrites were actors who wore masks on stage. In the context of the text, it meant religious counterfeit. To avoid being a hypocrite, the Lord did not want them to make a show or performance of their righteous acts like giving, prayer, and fasting. The Lord wanted His disciples to act secretly and not to call attention. Our discussion will cover the first part, which is giving.
Sermon Notes: https://www.gcfnaga.com/warning-vs-hypocrisy-in-prayer