Redesigning Your Life with Jamie Blumenthal • Rebroadcast
We’re on a short break as we celebrate the holidays with our families and gear up for season five coming in 2022. While we’re away, we thought it might be nice to take another trip down memory lane and share some of our favorite episodes from our early seasons of the Toaster. This week, we’re talking about your space.
You’re newly divorced. You’ve moved into a new place. Let’s say, to really put a cap on this exercise of imagination, you’re sitting on the floor one night eating sesame chicken straight out of the take out container by the light of a single lamp and you’re wondering — perhaps aloud — what am I going to do next?
You’re going to start but rediscovering your own individual sense of style.
This week on the show, Jamie Blumenthal of Blumenthal Designs joins us to talk about the power of interior design in finding your own identity after your divorce. She teaches us how you can rediscover the power of your own voice as you create a space of comfort and personality. And, she adds, when you’re ready to get back out there, you’ll have a welcoming space that communicates who you are, “and doesn’t look like a dorm room!”
Bottom line: Taking care of your space means taking care of yourself both physically and emotionally. This holiday season, self-care starts at home.
Links & Notes
- Welcome to How to Split a Toaster
- Meet Jamie Blumenthal, Interior Designer
- Rediscovering Your New Identity
- The Kids' Space
- Finishing a Temporary Space
- Figuring Out What You Like
- The One Who Stays in the Old Place
- Helping Clients Feel Right in Their New Space
- Term of the Week
- Fair But Not Necessarily Equal
- How Do You Afford It?
- Finding a Designer
- Spending Smartly During the Divorce Proceeding
- Neither Too Masculine Nor Too Feminine
- Crazy Requests
- Wrapping Up