Ducks Unlimited Podcast
Episode 9
Season 9
Ep. 615 – Migration Alerts, Decoy Tactics, and Waterfowl 360
Chris Jennings, Mallori Murphey, and Dr. Scott Stephens join Dr. Mike Brasher to discuss the current status of teal migration, habitat conditions, and how you can stay informed during the hunting season. Through DU’s Migration Alerts, hunters will be “in the know” about bird numbers, weather systems, hunting success, and habitat conditions. Waterfowl 360 is here with a plethora of hunting resources, including decoy tactics, recipes, waterfowl ID, hunting stories, and more. Lastly, Dr. Scott Stephens shares the latest from Prairie Canada and his first week of the new season. Spoiler alert…it’s dry again, but skinny teal decoys once again proved their worth!
Life is Short. You Better Hunt.”