Thyroid Mystery Solved: Hashimoto's and Hypothyroidism Revealed
Episode 168
Season 1
168 How to Color Your Hair Without Worsening Hashimoto's Symptoms, Dryness, or Hair Loss with Jay Small
Can You Safely Cover Gray Hair without a Hashimoto’s Flare Up?
- Name: ME! Today I solve my own health mystery…
- I’ve been covering my gray hair naturally to avoid triggering my Hashimoto’s with chemical dyes
- I tried Hair Print and at first, I loved it, but after a while, my hair became very dry
How could I continue to cover my gray hair without going back to harsh, chemical hair dyes?
Yep, today’s episode is all about me and a personal struggle many of you might share – the quest for safely coloring grays that doesn't come with toxic side effects or a side of dryness.