The Antietam and Beyond Podcast
Episode 12
Season 1
Antietam ranger Brian Baracz on Elliott burials map
In Episode 12 of "The Antietam And Beyond Podcast," longtime Antietam National Park Service ranger Brian Baracz talks with co-hosts John Banks and Tom McMillan about the 1864 battlefield burials map of S.G. Elliott. Baracz also talks about his favorite Antietam monument, why the battlefield is so special to him and much more.
- Explore the 1864 Elliott map — part of the New York Public Library Digital Collections — for yourself here.
- Read more about the map on John Banks' Civil War blog here.
The podcast is sponsored by Civil War Trails, which since 1994 has connected visitors with small towns and big stories across a network that now spans six states.
Join McMillan and Banks for regular podcasts about Antietam, the Maryland Campaign and the Civil War — the most compelling period in American history.
McMillan is author of the recently released Our Flag Was Still There. Banks is author of the recently released A Civil War Road Trip Of A Lifetime. Find them on Facebook at Author Tom McMillan and John Banks' Civil War Blog. Banks' popular Civil War blog is here.