Excess Or Access? Closing The Need Gap With Good360
We live in a world where excess and consumption have never been higher, yet millions of people find themselves in critical need every day, which creates a massive need gap.
Good360, one of Engage for Good's sponsors, is the global leader in product philanthropy and works with some of the world’s largest brands to connect critically needed goods with 100k+ nonprofits that help people in need throughout the U.S. and around the world.
In today's episode, EFG's Alli Murphy is joined by Shari Rudolph, Good360's Chief Development Officer & Chief Marketing Officer to explore the lessons they've learned, Shari's advice for nonprofits and companies alike and ways to accurately identify and support community needs.
Tune into today's episode to learn all about:
- Shari's top tips for companies interested in product philanthropy
- Ways companies can get involved, even if they don't have a product
- What nonprofits need to know about this space
- How to mitigate a "second disaster"
- The importance of being outcome-focused instead of impact-focused
Links & Notes
- [Good360 Website] (
Elevate Your Social Impact
- Welcome to Cause Talk Radio
- The Good 360 Story
- Product Philanthropy
- What should non-profits know about product philanthropy?
- What makes a great partnership?
- Lessons in Pre-Positioning
- What's your favorite thing about working at Good 360?
- Learn more about Good 360