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25 Years of Ed Tech
Episode null
Season 1
Between the Chapters #10 blogging with @bonstewart & @edtechfactotum
In this episode of Between the Chapters Laura chats with Bonnie Stewart and Clint Lalonde about their blogging journey. We reflect on the posts we’ve written, the community of bloggers, and what it means related to Chapter 10: Blogs. Initially the affinity of “bloggers” connected a number of educators and academics to meet up at conferences and make connections with others in higher ed. Additionally, we saw how these personal blogs morphed towards commodification and commercial -- with the goals for putting out content or creating a brand. We miss the candid, vulnerable spaces of what edu blogs were back in 2003 and what it means to still be blogging today.
- What is a Web Log (Blog)?
- Crib Chronicles
- Souvenirs of Canada
- Gen-X hat tip to Douglas Coupland
- Adbusters
- Prince Edward Island
- Networked Participatory Scholarship: Emergent Techno-Cultural Pressures Toward Open and Digital Scholarship in Online Networks (Veletsianos & Kimmons, 2012)
- The Virtues of Blogging as Scholarly Activity by Martin Weller
- Alice Bell’s Research: Education Bloggers
- Why do academics blog? It's not for public outreach, research shows (Mewbern & Thomas, 2013)
- Why Higher Ed Needs Data Ethics & Articles from The Conversation by Bonnie Stewart
- Orality and Literacy – In What Ways Are Oral and Literate Cultures Similar? Reference to Walter Ong’s work
- Fact Check: RSS did not die; but killing Google Reader diminished RSS use for blogs.
- #ugstSTORY (Laura’s archived course) with blogs
- RRU LRNT 528 Blogs
- UW Class Blog #UWDIG
- Old Clint:
- Domain of One’s Own (thanks Jim & Tim)
- Collapsed publics: Orality, literacy, and vulnerability in academic Twitter (Stewart, 216)
- Shout Out to A Few Bloggers (of many) we heart:
- Alan Levine
- Kate Bowle
- Alec Couros
- Inger Mewbern
Thanks for blogging, Martin. Keep on keepin’ on with your blog. We’re grateful for your words that have morphed into this book.
Find these bloggers and connect with these peers of mine online at:
- Bonnie Stewart
- Clint Lalonde
Do you have thoughts, comments, or questions about this podcast? Send us a message or tweet. Podcast episode art: X-Ray Specs by @visualthinkery is licenced under CC-BY-SA & Remix by Deb Baff.