Dad Starting Over Trailer Bonus Episode 286 Season 1

"I’m Addicted to Porn" – A Husband’s Confession & My Response

"I’m Addicted to Porn" – A Husband’s Confession & My Response"I’m Addicted to Porn" – A Husband’s Confession & My Response


More episodes

  1. "I’m Addicted to Porn" – A Husband’s Confession & My Response

  2. "No... That Doesn't Count!" - A Woman Writes in About Her Husband's OCD Cleaning. Oh boy...

  3. After 4 Years of Fatherhood, He Discovered the Unthinkable (from a DSO Live Stream)

  4. "She Warned Me... And I Didn't Listen. Now I'm Paying The Price."

  5. Is The "Shallow" Stuff Important in a Long-Term Relationship? Yes... VERY.

  6. “Caught in a Chaotic Relationship Cycle, Help!”

  7. “In Sickness and in Health” -- When Being the Caregiver to a Sick Wife Is the Final Straw

  8. "My Wife Told Me I Was Too Small! What Do I Do With That Information?!"

  9. Married to Chaos: 20+ Years With a Borderline Wife (A Brutal True Story)

  10. "I Shouldn't Have to Do That... I'm Married!" -- The Thought Pattern That Will Get You Into Trouble

  11. “Why Is She Acting This Way?!” : The All-Too-Common Behavior of the Soon-To-Be Ex-wife.

  12. Dear DSO: "My Wife Shut Down After Menopause!"

  13. Dating Advice for the Divorced Guy - Let's Talk About Red Flags

  14. Chore Play... Does It Work?

  15. Don't Lie to Get Women (from a DSO Live Stream)

  16. How One Horrible Decision Can Ruin Your Life - A Follower's Story

  17. A Chat With a Long-Time Follower About His Stressful Marriage and Imminent Divorce

  18. Top Questions for 2024!

  19. Dear DSO: "How Can I Win Her Back?"

  20. Dear DSO: "I can't wait that long! I need to make a baby now!"

  21. The Two Type of Cheating Men

  22. "I Changed... Now It's Your Turn to Completely Change Your Personality!"

  23. "I've Had No Luck Dating After Divorce!"

  24. We Need to Stop Shaming Our Fellow Men - Stop Calling Them "Simps" and "Incels"

  25. Our Stressed-Out, High-Anxiety Wives

  26. Divorced? Want Just ONE Woman For The Rest of Your Life? Probably Not Happening.

  27. Dear DSO: "My Wife Became a Fitness Fanatic and Then Cheated!"

  28. Jumping From Relationship to Relationship - Do You Not Like to Be Alone? - A Dear DSO Live Chat

  29. Baby Rabies and Single Moms - Be Careful!

  30. Why Would She Cheat And Go To Such Extremes To Hurt Me?!

  31. Let's Talk About Duty Sex (From a Live HFM Brotherhood Member Meeting)

  32. Dear DSO: "Why is she so ANGRY at me for being upset about being rejected for the hundredth time?"

  33. When The Nice Guy Turns Into The "Alpha" Dude... And The Ensuing Drama

  34. Dear DSO: "It's Like When Your Boss Just Decides to Cut Your Pay!"

  35. Dear DSO: "I Feel Like My Wife is Just Using Me in Bed! There's No Connection!"

  36. DSO Reacts - Sadia Khan Dropping Truth Bombs About Women and Cheating!

  37. Dear DSO: "Why Are Women So Mad When Men Relax?!"

  38. A Follow-Up To The "Scarcity" Video (from a live stream event)

  39. Porn... It Ain't Good For You (from a live stream event)

  40. What About Just "Hooking Up" With Women After Divorce? (from a live stream event)

  41. Dear DSO: "Cheating Ex-Wife Left... But is Now Contacting Me Again!"

  42. Dear DSO: "Wife Says She Wants Sex... Just Not With Me".

  43. Gentlemen: Your Scarcity is Killing You!

  44. Lesbian Couples: High Rates of Dead Bedrooms and Divorce!

  45. The Paternity Testing Myth

  46. Seven Signs That Your Wife May Be Cheating on You

  47. "I'm Starting to Despise Women!"

  48. Why Did She Cheat?!

  49. Dear DSO: "We Are Not The Same Since My Wife's Emotional Affair"

  50. Dear DSO: "Wife Says She Enjoys Our Time... But Sometimes She Doesn't Orgasm"

  51. Dear DSO: "Can My OCD Wife Change?"

  52. Dear DSO: "I'm In An Abusive Relationship"

  53. Dear DSO: "My Cheating Wife Wants Back"

  54. Dear DSO: "I'm Divorced and Ready to Get Back Out There. Or Am I...?"

  55. Dear DSO: "My Wife's Illness Is Impacting Our Relationship"

  56. Dear DSO: "My Husband Doesn't Want Me!"

  57. "You Only Do This Because I Told You To! It Doesn't Count!" (from a live stream)

  58. Staying Sexy in Long-Term Monogamy.... is it Possible? (from live stream)

  59. "Men shouldn't get in shape... it makes the wife insecure. It's bad for the relationship!"

  60. The Dating Game for Young Adults (from a live event)

  61. Why Does Female Libido Go Down in Monogamy?! Won't That Scare The Man Away?! (from a DSO Live Stream)

  62. Dear DSO: "My Wife Has Suddenly Changed!"

  63. Dear DSO: "Wife Has Become Withdrawn, Angry, and Has More Mental Breakdowns"

  64. Dear DSO: "I’m a New Father... And I Was Really Tempted to Cheat (But I Didn’t). Is There Hope for Our Marriage?"

  65. Dear DSO: Should I Tell My Wife/Roommate About My Cancer Diagnosis?

  66. Dad Starting over Is Now Part of the Help for Men Network!

  67. How Often Should The Responsive Desire Person Initiate? (with Dr. Psych Mom - from a Live Event)

  68. From Brofest 2024 - Ralph Talks About Monogamy and Cheating

  69. "How do I stay positive during a long-term dead bedroom marriage?" (From livestream)

  70. Dear DSO: "Is paying a cosplayer on Only Fans considered cheating?"

  71. Dear DSO: "Should I fill out mental health forms for my ex?"

  72. DSO and Dr. Pysch Mom Talk About Dead Bedrooms (from a livestream event)

  73. Dear DSO: "I Feel Abandoned."

  74. Dear DSO: "I Feel Like I'm Stuck in a Dead Bedroom!"

  75. Dear DSO: "Why Won't He Propose?!"

  76. Should You Continue Doing Family Things with Your Ex? (from a DSO Live Event)

  77. Dear DSO: "My Wife is Indifferent About Us."

  78. Can You Go From Avoidant to Secure? (from a DSO Live event)

  79. Interview With Coach J

  80. About The "Forgotten Father" Tweet I Posted

  81. Dear DSO: "Am I Being Weird... Or Should I Be Concerned?"

  82. Dear DSO: Do I Tell New Gals About My Crazy Ex?

  83. Retroactive Jealousy (from a DSO Live Stream event)

  84. Dear DSO: "I'm in Excellent Shape... But it's Still Not Enough For Her Libido!"

  85. Dear DSO: "I Still Need MORE From My Wife!"

  86. Interview With Carla Crivaro - "The Forgotten Man"

  87. Dear DSO: "Is It Menopause.... Or Something Else?"

  88. Dear DSO: I'm A Winner And My Wife Is A Loser!

  89. Married People Have MORE Sex Than Single People?!

  90. Dear DSO: "My Wife Wants To Go To A Bachelorette Party"

  91. Interview With Karen and Catherine From My Divorce Solution

  92. Dear DSO: "Ever Since The Kids, I Feel Like I've Been Put On The Backburner"

  93. Dear DSO: "My Wife Is Lazy... Or Depressed?"

  94. Dear DSO: "What About Scheduling Sex With My Avoidant Wife?"

  95. Dear DSO: "My Wife Copes By Having Affairs"

  96. Dear DSO: "I've Been In A Dead Bedroom For Years... And Now I've Fallen For This Younger Gal"

  97. Dear DSO: "My Wife Cheated Eight Years Ago"

  98. When The Man Discovers His Wife's Secret Sexy Past

  99. Dear DSO: "I've just been told my wife doesn't love me anymore..."

  100. Dear DSO: Have You Ever Heard About An Affair SAVING A Marriage?

  101. Interview With Daniel Priestley: Entrepreneurship And Life

  102. DSO Reacts: That Dead Bedroom Couple Video Everyone Keeps Sending Me

  103. "My Wife Was A Totally Different Person After We Got Married!"

  104. Does "Body Count" Really Matter?

  105. Live From Facebook/Youtube/Twitter With Dr. Psych Mom!

  106. My Interview With Heather Ray, The Licensed Sexologist

  107. DSO Fraternity Live Meeting (recorded 10/4/23)

  108. DSO & Austin Talk About Sex After Kids - From Facebook/Youtube Live

  109. My Interview With Youtuber Schahrzad Morgan

  110. DSO & Dr. Psych Mom - Do Women Need An Emotional Connection to Experience Sexual Desire?

  111. Time Moves On

  112. DSO & Dr. Psych Mom - Do Women Experience Lower Libido After Marriage?

  113. DSO & Dr. Psych Mom Go Live on Facebook and Youtube

  114. DSO & Dr. Psych Mom Go Live on TikTok

  115. Coach Scott G. Interviews DSO Fraternity Member Andrew And His Wife Sabrina

  116. My Mom Drives Me Nuts

  117. Interview With Lauren - "The Dadvocate"

  118. Coach Scott G. Interviews Coach Gustavo

  119. Mrs. DSO is Back! Let's talk about sex and marriage, women and accountability/entitlement, and whatever else comes to mind.

  120. The Devouring Mother

  121. Public DSO Fraternity Meeting - February 2023

  122. Working Out! - A Chat With Coach Vance

  123. Interview with Dr. Robert Glover - Author of "No More Mr. Nice Guy"

  124. No, I Am Not Anti-Marriage

  125. Dads Dating After Divorce: Interview with Dr. Shawn T. Smith

  126. From TikTok: When the MAN doesn't want s-e-x

  127. From TikTok: "Why do I keep finding such broken women?"

  128. Interview with Rudy A from TikTok

  129. Interview with Noor - Our Newest DSO Coach

  130. Interview with "Ray" - Reader and DSO Fraternity Member

  131. "The Healthy Version of THE TALK"

  132. New Book! "REAL TALK: No Bullsh*t Life Advice for Young Men"

  133. Mrs DSO and I Talk About Date Nights and Getaways

  134. Dear DSO: "What if your wife leaves you?"

  135. Dads Dating After Divorce: "Why Divorced Dads Are A Catch!"

  136. Dear DSO: “I feel like I will never be good enough for my husband.”

  137. Introducing Steve from Australia - The Newest Member of the DSO Team!

  138. Are You Using Your Time and Money Wisely... or Are You Just Keeping Busy?

  139. Dear DSO: “Why does my wife try to sabotage my efforts… but she enjoys the rewards?”

  140. "Why can't I get a date?!"

  141. Interview with William Branum of "Naked Warrior Recovery"

  142. The Rebound Chick

  143. The One That Got Away

  144. DSO Reacts: Esther Perel and That God-Awful Couple Are Back!

  145. What Can Women Learn From Porn?

  146. Brofest 2022 - Austin, TX - Roundtable Chat

  147. Dear DSO: “If she has checked out, why is she trying to hang on and control me?”

  148. Don’t Hang Out With Losers

  149. Want An Over-The-Top Fun Sex Life? Here’s Your Prescription.

  150. Mrs. DSO and I Talk About Sex After the Baby

  151. The REAL Reason Your Husband Won’t “Open Up” To You

  152. How to be a Better Wife - Stop the Negative Self-Talk

  153. Accept REALITY and Not What SHOULD Be

  154. Dear DSO: "What About Menopause?"

  155. Interview with Dr. Samantha Rodman Whiten - "Dr. Psych Mom"

  156. Dear DSO: "I'm a Ladies Man"

  157. The Paradigm Shift

  158. Dear DSO: “Can I Become The Lover To My Wife After Always Being a Provider?”

  159. Dear DSO: "Should I Call It Quits?"

  160. Dear DSO: "Is Fitness Really That Important?"

  161. The Lure of the Crazy Woman

  162. Dear DSO: "I Caught My Wife Having an Emotional Affair"

  163. You Can Be Whoever The Hell You Want to Be

  164. Dear DSO: "What's Up With You and Open Marriages?"

  165. Dear DSO: How Can I Date Casually But Still Be A Nice Guy?

  166. Mrs. DSO and I Talk About Money

  167. How to be a Better Wife - Stop Nagging

  168. People Don't Want to See How the Sausage is Made

  169. DSO Reacts: From the Show "Loose Women" - Saira Khan Opens Up About Avoiding Sex With Her Husband

  170. Mansplaining and Overperception Bias... Yes Men Can Be Annoying Too

  171. DSO Reacts: "You Want Me To Watch The Kids While You Go Out With Another Guy?"

  172. DSO Reacts: Joe Rogan and Dr. Jordan Peterson Talk About "Enforced Monogamy" and Incels

  173. Dear DSO: “I don’t have sexual desire… but that’s no reason to leave me.”

  174. Mrs DSO and I Talk About Female Entitlement

  175. Dear DSO: ""The Dead Bedroom Fix works... but only if I continuously put in work."

  176. MGTOW - "Men Going Their Own Way"

  177. Testosterone - Coach Vance & DSO Chat About the Popular Topic

  178. Count Your Blessings

  179. Hypergamy

  180. Interview with GS Youngblood - Author of "The Masculine in Relationship"

  181. Interview with Jay - An Old Internet Friend from Pre-DSO Days

  182. Neuroticism

  183. From the Archives: Seven Signs That Your Wife is Cheating

  184. Introducing Coach Vance! Let's Chat About Supplements

  185. Interview with Faisal Khokhar

  186. The Three Types of Married Men

  187. So... I Got Fired From My Day Job

  188. Interview with "Jude the Divorced Dadvocate"

  189. Interview with Ben and Nikki from "Our Happy Divorce"

  190. Interview with "Hank" - A Reader and DSO Fraternity Member Who is Going Through a Divorce

  191. Interview With Michael - Reader and DSO Fraternity Member Who Transformed Himself in Five Months

  192. Post-Nashville DSO Fraternity Roundtable Discussion

  193. Mrs. DSO and I Talk About What Women Think of My Book, "The Dead Bedroom Fix"

  194. Sex/Life - Mrs. DSO and I Talk About the Popular Netflix Series

  195. Jack London Interviews His Sister, Kristi Vaccaro, of F.I.T. LV. They Discuss the "Type A" Woman

  196. Kim Anami and I Talk About Sex and Relationships

  197. My Interview on the DadTough Podcast - We Discuss The Dead Bedroom Fix and Other Fun Topics

  198. From "Vulnerability" to "Ew... what kind of man are you?"

  199. Interview with Scott and Gail - A Dead Bedroom Fix couple talks about Scott's transformation and the effect on their marriage.

  200. The "Grey Rock" Method