Circuit Break - A MacroFab Podcast
Episode 131
Season 1
EP#131: Scott Swaaley and MAKESafe Tools
- Scott Swaaley
- Electrical Engineer from California Polytechnic State University
- Started his career rewiring 18th century tall ships
- Designed electrical systems for hospitals and data centers before becoming a specialist in renewable energy economics
- Had a career in teaching and working with students in makerspaces
- Founder of MAKESafe Tools
- YouTube Channels Scott likes
- What is MAKESafe Tools?
- Bringing industrial-level safety to everyday shop tools with an easy to install plug and play device
- Design Challenges?
- High power A/C switching
- DC Isolation from the A/C side
- Triacs and Hybrid relays
- Physical board layout considerations
- Documentaries and other links
Tags: A/C, Clickspring, D/C, electronics podcast, Hybrid Relays, Maake Tools Saafe Aagaain, MacroFab, macrofab engineering podcast, MAKESafe Tools, MEP, relays, This Old Tony, Triacs