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Trinity Forum Conversations
Episode 27
Season 3
Writing as a Spiritual Practice with Jonathan Rogers, Tish Harrison Warren and Doug McKelvey
On this episode of our special Lenten podcast series we explore the spiritual practice of writing by listening to a conversation between authors, Tish Harrison Warren, Doug McKelvey and Jonathan Rogers.
The Spiritual Practice of Writing
As these three authors explore the craft of writing, what becomes clear is that the creativity and spiritual insight that marks their work is predicated on the discipline of showing up, to sit in the quiet with tools in hand and to attend to the wonder and mystery of their own lives. The very ordinary disciplines surrounding writing have become for these authors a liturgy by which they come into contact with the divine, writing things and expressing truths they didn't know that they knew.
The Habit: Conversations with Writers about Writing
This conversation originally appeared on the Habit Podcast, a production of the Rabbit Room podcast network, and a portion of it is used here with their generous permission and goodwill. To listen to more of the Habit visit
It's our hope that this conversation will inspire your own practice of writing during Lent and help you to enter into the mystery and grace of the Father's love.
Authors and books mentioned in the conversation:
Walker Percy
Related Trinity Forum Readings:
Devotions by John Donne and paraphrased by Philip Yancey
The Confessions of St. Augustine by Augustine of Hippo, Introduced by James K.A. Smith
Pilgrim at Tinker Creek by Annie Dillard
Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan
A Spiritual Pilgrimage by Malcolm Muggeridge
Related Conversations:
To listen to this or any of our episodes in full, visit, and to join the Trinity Forum Society and help make content like this possible, visit
Special thanks to Ned Bustard for the artwork and Andrew Peterson for the music.