My Time in Australia
With a father as a high-ranking officer in the US Air Force, Thom Knoles has been traveling internationally from a very young age. Under the wing of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Thom traveled even more, visiting countries with him on almost every continent.
But the country Thom has spent the most time in, outside of the USA, is his home away from home, Australia.
As a fresh-faced teenager, his keen interest in surfing led him to choose Australia as his destination of choice to set himself up as his meditation teaching career got under way.
Thom reminisces on his time spent there and the legacy of tens of thousands of meditators still active in Australia, and growing each day.
Episode Highlights
[00:45] Early Contact with Australians
[02:51] The Art and Sport of Surfing
[05:13] One-Way Airfare
[07:08] 10 Jobs for Every One Person
[08:56] An Immigrant in Australia
[10:47] "What Do You Do for a Crust Mate?"
[12:30] Rhyming Slang of Outback Australians
[14:30] Yoga and Meditation Studio in Sylvania
[16:09] Maharishi Domicile in Switzerland
[18:08] Relatively Close to India
[19:39] A Tremendous Amount of Hospitality
[21:24] 10,000 Students
[23:29] Prisoners and Politicians
[26:01] Drawing People from Across Sydney
[27:38] Australia - the Crucible that Formed and Forged Thom Knoles
[29:30] Australia's Great Naturalness
[31:14] Robustness and Willingness to Take on a Challenge
[32:59] 20,000 Vedic Meditators in Sydney Region
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