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Taking Control: The ADHD Podcast
Episode 7
Season 22
You can have struggles and still have success with Dr. Kalaki Clarke
We’re kicking off a series on the show we’re calling “Living with ADHD,” a set of episodes in which we talk to people about their journey ー careers, challenges, surprises, and terrific a-ha moments — and try to learn a bit about our own experiences as we look to the experiences of others. Today on the show, a valued community member shares her own story, waking up to ADHD and becoming an advocate from her position in her medical clinic.
Dr. Kalaki Clarke joins us to talk about her journey with ADHD to becoming a physician, her work as an advocate for ADHDers everywher, and her side gig as an award-winning in-car singer!
Links & Notes
- Watch “Here to Say” — 2018 winner of the ADHD Viewers Choice Award promoting ADHD Awareness
- Life After Plans
- Follow @this_md_kalaki on Instagram
- Welcome to The ADHD Podcast
- Support the show • Become a Patron!
- Introducing Dr. Kalaki Clarke
- 2018 ADHD Viewer's Choice Award
- Changing Post-Diagnosis in the Hospital
- Skipping Judgment
- ADHD Advocacy
- The ADHD/Athsma Parallel
- Physicians with ADHD
- Wrapping up