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Decide Your Legacy
Episode 49
Season 1
#49: Rekindling Relationships
As we approach the holidays this year you may be thinking about relationships that have gone stale, or people you don't talk to often or have the level of closeness or intimacy you would like to have. But with the change in schedules you will have the opportunity to use the strategies in this conversation to rekindle and strengthen those connections. On this episode we discuss:
- The value of relationships on our mental health
- What makes someone a true friend
- Loving yourself first
- My 30-day challenge to you
- Valuing honesty, even when it's uncomfortable
- Viewing conflict as an opportunity
- Helping other people succeed
- Share your personal goals with others
- Be more curious
- Be yourself
Getting to Know Yourself (Episode 48)
Repairing Relationships Over the Holidays (Episode 29)
A Transformational Self-Confidence Building Activity
The Daily 5 & 5
Read these articles below about the Daily 5 & 5. How to Be Grateful When Life Is Hard. Start your own Daily 5 & 5 on your phone, in a journal, or using this Daily 5 & 5 Worksheet. After a few days, reflect on how this activity impacts your mindset.
Getting to Know Yourself (Episode 48)
Repairing Relationships Over the Holidays (Episode 29)
A Transformational Self-Confidence Building Activity
The Daily 5 & 5
Read these articles below about the Daily 5 & 5. How to Be Grateful When Life Is Hard. Start your own Daily 5 & 5 on your phone, in a journal, or using this Daily 5 & 5 Worksheet. After a few days, reflect on how this activity impacts your mindset.
Be sure to follow me on Instagram @adamgragg
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Adam is a life coach and counselor who specializes in helping individuals and organizations find transformational clarity. He specializes in anxiety, depression, life & career transitions, adolescent challenges, and family counseling.
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