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The SIREN Podcast
Episode 25
Season 1
Asset-Based Screening in Healthcare Settings
September 21, 2022
Social Interventions Research and Evaluation Network
Full Transcript
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In this episode, we are joined by Jaedon Avey, Health Program Analyst, and L’aakaw Eesh Kyle Wark, Researcher, both of whom are from the Southcentral Foundation in Anchorage Alaska, a non-profit, tribally owned and operated healthcare organization serving 65,000 Alaska Native/American Indian peoples in urban and rural communities across over 100,000 square miles of Southcentral Alaska. Emilia De Marchis talks with Jaedon and L’aakaw about screening for patient assets – not just risks – in healthcare settings.
To read the SIREN social screening report and a bevy of related resources, visit the SCREEN Report webpage.
To read the SIREN social screening report and a bevy of related resources, visit the SCREEN Report webpage.
Dr. Avey and Mr. Wark were supported by Award #1CPIMP171148 from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Minority Health. The contents of this podcast episode are the sole responsibility of the speakers and do not necessarily represent the official view of the Office of Minority Health.
Resources noted in podcast:
- Southcentral Foundation Research team:
- Wark K, Cheung K, Wolter E, Avey JP. "Engaging stakeholders in integrating social determinants of health into electronic health records: a scoping review". Int J Circumpolar Health. 2021 Dec;80(1):1943983.
- Ayed N, Toner S, Priebe S. Conceptualizing resilience in adult mental health literature: A systematic review and narrative synthesis. Psychol Psychother. 2019 Sep;92(3):299-341.
- Brave Heart MY, DeBruyn LM. The American Indian Holocaust: healing historical unresolved grief. Am Indian Alsk Nativ Ment Health Res (1987). 1998;8(2):56-78.
- Alaska Native Values for the Curriculum (
- Our Values – Cultural Center and Museum in Anchorage, Alaska (
- Traditional Values of Alaska poster (available for free from the publisher)
- Sharing Our Pathways Volume 11, Issue 1 ( “The cultural belief and traditional value systems that helped educate and mold generations of Alaska Natives years ago are just as valid and relevant today. The values listed - simple, genuine and insightful - illustrate the core beliefs of the diverse cultural groups that make up our great state. More than that, by collecting the traditional values of each tribe and presenting them in one place, we highlight the common ground and humanity that ties them together.”
- Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale
- Goins RT, Gregg JJ, Fiske A. Psychometric Properties of the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale With Older American Indians: The Native Elder Care Study. Res Aging. 2013 Mar;35(2):123-143.