Episode 156
Season 2
Buddhability Short: How to make the most of your time
Buddhability Shorts is a series where we break down a Buddhist concept or common life challenge we’ve touched on in an interview. Today, we’re talking about how chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo can help us maximize every moment and use our time wisely.
Episodes Mentioned:
The Victorious Teen, p. 28.
“On Prolonging One’s Life Span,” The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, vol. 1, p. 955.
Unlocking the Mysteries of Birth and Death, p. 109.
Jan. 1, 2016, World Tribune, p. 8.
The Heart of the Lotus Sutra, p. 26.
The New Human Revolution, vol. 4, revised edition, pp. 149–50.
The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings, p. 214.
My Dear Friends in America, fourth edition, p. 354.