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Interior Integration for Catholics
Episode 52
Season 1
52 Breaking Free from Masturbation, Part 1
- Intro: Welcome to the podcast Interior Integration for Catholics -- the podcast formerly known as Coronavirus Crisis: Carpe Diem!
- Interior Integration for Catholics brings to you each week the best psychological information essential for your human formation, knowledge that is fundamental in shoring up the natural foundation for your Catholic spiritual life.
- In this podcast, we ask and answer the tough questions about the real problems we Catholics have in our day-to-day lives, our struggles in the natural realm, the psychological difficulties that keep us from fully loving our Lord and our Lady in a deep, personal, intimate way.
- And we deal with these tough issues for one primary reason: to free you to love God our Father, Jesus our Brother, the Holy Spirit and Our Mother Mary more and more over time.
- This podcast helps you focus inward on your interior integration -- to help you bring together the different parts of yourself into unity and harmony with God's truth, goodness and beauty
- Together, we are looking for a deep transformation in our mindsets, our heartsets and our bodysets, a radical transformation at the core of our being so that our souls unite with God and we can rise to the challenges and opportunities He provides us.
- I’m clinical psychologist Peter Malinoski and I am here with you, to be your host and guide.
- This podcast is part of Souls and Hearts, our online outreach at, which is all about shoring up our natural foundation for the Catholic spiritual life, all about overcoming psychological obstacles to being loved and to loving God and neighbor
- This is episode 52, released on January 25, 2021
- This is the fourth episode in our series on sexuality and the second one on masturbation.
- And it is titled: Breaking Free from Masturbation -- A Roadmap
- We're following up on our last episode, episode 51 -- The Top 10 Reasons Why Catholic Men Masturbate.
- In that episode, we covered the underlying psychological issues that fuel impulses to masturbate.
- But it's not enough to just understand the issues more clearly
- We need guidance on how to live differently, how to work with the entirety of ourselves -- all of our parts, all of our modes of operating -- in the area of sexuality.
- So today, we're getting into answers for Catholics who deeply desire to have their sexuality ordered toward relationship, toward God, and toward their spouses or future spouses in a way that is life-giving.
- we're getting into answers for Catholics who experience masturbation as a dead-end, as a failed promise, as an inadequate answer for their deeper needs and desires.
- We will get into the first four mistakes that Catholics make in their attempts to overcome masturbation
- And we will get into the 10 remedies for those first four mistakes
- Not just about masturbation -- you can take out masturbation and substitute in any other sexual problem -- fetishes, porn, sexting, sexual obsessions, sexual compulsions, excessive sexual fantasies, whatever
- Remember that I promised you a map, not a ride in a limousine or on a magic carpet to your destination. It's a map, not an individualized treatment plan. This is not therapy. It's not magic. You still have to make your own journey. But this map lays out the terrain and the compass will provide direction for you on that journey.
- Some of you have been suffering for a long time. I get that. God sees your efforts, he sees your good intentions.
- Focus of this podcast is on interior integration -- overarching goal in the natural realm. Not talking about spiritual goals here, we are talking about the natural realm.
- So we need a way of understanding and modeling interior integration and also its nemesis -- interior fragmentation.
- I borrow heavily from Internal Family Systems approach, aka IFS approach, originated by Richard Schwartz.
- Really helps me clinically to understand the polarizations inside of myself and others -- the tensions, the conflicting desires and impulses, the internal tug-of-war, especially about moral issues that carry so much emotional weight, like masturbation
- And IFS not only helps us understand our internal world, it guides us as to how to heal, how to change, how to grow in the natural realm.
This podcast is heavily influenced by IFS, but IFS grounded in a Catholic worldview.
- Review of Parts -- IFS perspective
- Multiplicity and Unity of Self
- Really helpful for understanding why Catholic men do what they don't want to do.
- Romans 7:15 -- St. Paul's lament I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate.
- Really helpful for understanding why Catholic men do what they don't want to do.
- Discussion of Parts
- within each person are separate collections thoughts, emotions, attitudes, impulses, desires, abilities, interests, relational styles, body sensations, and worldviews that are not just transient emotional states, but rather constitute discrete “parts,” subpersonalities or distinct modes of operating within the person’s larger internal system -- they seem like selves within us.
- Each part within us can metaphorically seem like its own little person, with its own particular range of emotion, style of expression, abilities, desires views of the world.
- Modes of operating
- Subpersonalities
- Orchestra model
- Focus is on integration.
- Get forced into extreme roles -- attachment injuries and relational traumas
- Three roles -- exiles, managers, and firefighters.
- Exiles --
- most sensitive -- become injured or outraged by important other in the family or social world. Threatens the system, external relationships
- Exploited, rejected, abandoned in external relationships
- Want care and love, rescue, redemption
- shame. Need for redemption
- Managers
- Protective, strategic, controlling environment, keep things safe
- Obsessions. Compulsions, reclusiveness, passivity, numbing. Panic attacks, somatic complaints, depressive episodes, hypervigilance.
- Firefighters
- Stifle, anesthetize, distract from feelings of exiles
- No concern for consequences
- Binge eating, drug/alcohol use, dissociation, sexual risk taking, cutting
- Exiles --
- Parts can take over the person
- Like in Pixar Movie Inside Out -- anger taking over the control panel of the main character Riley
- We call it blending.
- Each part within us can metaphorically seem like its own little person, with its own particular range of emotion, style of expression, abilities, desires views of the world.
- Discussion of Parts
- Intentions of parts -- always good, but the means they choose can be very harmful, maladaptive.
- Mistakes
- List of mistakes
- Considering masturbation as the primary problem. -- Gotta go deeper
- Pursuing compartmentalization or fragmentation instead of interior integration
- Going it alone
- Using only the spiritual means
- Six more common mistakes, but those are for the next episode.
- List of mistakes
- Mistake 1. Mistaking the primary problem -- Considering masturbation as the primary problem
- The primary problem drives the focus of the remedies
- And masturbation is a problem -- but is it really the primary problem?
- I make so bold to say that on the natural level masturbation is never the primary problem
- It's a symptom -- Let's not stay on the surfaces (we discussed the surface reasons and the underlying real reasons in episode 51)
- Fever is a symptom
- If you had intense abdominal pain and a high fever and you came to the Emergency room
- And was diagnosed with abdominal pain and a high fever disorder
- Treatment was a painkiller Percocet for the pain and Extra-Strength Tylenol for the fever
- And the real cause was not detected -- the underlying infection that caused the symptoms of fever and pain -- like appendicitis.
- And was diagnosed with abdominal pain and a high fever disorder
- No physician thinks of himself or herself as a fever doctor
- As a psychologist, I don't think of myself as ever "treating masturbation"
- First, I work with persons, not conditions or disorder
- Second, the symptoms disappear if you resolve the underlying cause.
- If you resolve the appendicitis, the fever and the abdominal pain go away
- Similarly, if you resolve the underlying causes of masturbation, it will go away, too.
- Second, the symptoms disappear if you resolve the underlying cause.
- As a psychologist, I don't think of myself as ever "treating masturbation"
- Fever is a symptom
- Symptoms are like the leaves of a weed
- Here on the farm we have dogwood trees -- like to grow up. Cut off the leaves and twigs -- no real effect. Cut it off at ground level, they spring back up.
- Gotta get the shovel and dig them out by the roots.
- Symptoms are like the leaves of a weed
- It's a symptom -- Let's not stay on the surfaces (we discussed the surface reasons and the underlying real reasons in episode 51)
- And masturbation is a problem -- but is it really the primary problem?
- AA and other 12 step programs recognize that the addictive behavior is not the only issue -- you've got to get to the underlying causes -- Dry drunk
- Carole Bennett in a Psychology Today article outlines these signs of a dry drunk as:
- Resentment toward friends or family, especially toward those who called him out on his drinking
- Anger and negativity surrounding recovery, especially about not be able to drink
- Depression, anxiety, and fear of relapse
- Jealousy of friends who are not struggling with addiction
- Bitterness about lost time, lost opportunities, lost relationships
- Romanticizing their drinking days
- Being self-obsessed
- Replacing the addiction with a new vice (e.g., sex, food, and internet use)
- Carole Bennett in a Psychology Today article outlines these signs of a dry drunk as:
- Tension -- White knuckling it
- Limited amount of willpower
- We do need to resist sinful impulses and temptations.
- AA and other 12 step programs recognize that the addictive behavior is not the only issue -- you've got to get to the underlying causes -- Dry drunk
- Anti-masturbationism as a religion (Parts)
- Religious manager part -- deeply concerned, driven by fear of God, fear of sin, fear of hell
- Doesn't want to see the deeper issues in the system
- Feels like the self is a sinner in the hand of an angry God
- God images activated -- episodes 23-29.
- Different parts have different God images
- Statue God image
- Drill Sergeant God image
- Magic Genie God image
- Outtogetcha Police Detective God image
- Critical Scrooge God
- Different parts have different God images
- Deeper issues in the system-- burdens that other parts hold about God.
- Great distrust of God
- Anger at God
- Deep disappointment in God.
- Often about the masturbation
- Deeper issues in the system-- burdens that other parts hold about God.
- Religious manager part -- deeply concerned, driven by fear of God, fear of sin, fear of hell
- Not a focus on God, but a focus on the self and a focus on masturbation
- How will I resist temptation
- How long have I gone without masturbating
- How sinful was my last act -- am I in a state of grace
- Why oh why do I sin like this -- why am I so stupid?
- When am I going to change?
- I am going to get better. I have a new book on this
- I have new spiritual practices, these give me hope
- And on and on -- little focus on God.
- Not a focus on God, but a focus on the self and a focus on masturbation
- Anti-masturbationism as a religion (Parts)
- Variation: Seeing masturbation as the only problem
- Tunnel vision
- Preserves the fantasy that I just have to conquer this one masturbation problem and then my life will be great, I have no other problems, especially I don't have the problems that are causing the masturbation.
- Tunnel vision
- If you see masturbation as the only problem, then masturbation will likely be your primary symptom.
- One closet where every problem is stuffed.
- Variation: Seeing masturbation as the only problem
- Solution: Find the deeper problem
- Remedy 1: Commit to finding the real reason, with God's help.
- Understanding the parts of us that are crying out -- deeper need
- Loneliness, Anger at God, disappointment with God, Insecurity, Feeling unsafe, Despair, Shame -- a sense of being unloved or unlovable.
- Remedy 1: Commit to finding the real reason, with God's help.
- Remedy 2: Bring God or Mary or a saint or your angel into the search for the underlying causes-- you will have to deal with the God images
- Solution: Find the deeper problem
- Mistake 1. Mistaking the primary problem -- Considering masturbation as the primary problem
- Mistake 2. Pursuing Compartmentalization instead of integration
- Compartmentalization = fragmentation
- Putting these masturbation behaviors into a box, separating them from the rest of me. That's just not me, or not really me, not really who I am.
- Suppression is a defense mechanism aimed specifically at an emotion, desire, attitude or impulse that is perceived as too threatening or dangerous to keep in conscious awareness. Suppression is the intentional effort to force that threatening emotion, desire, attitude or impulse from consciousness, driving it into the unconscious where is not experienced in the same way.
- Can be adaptive in the short run -- if we will come back to the threatening experience and work with it in a later moment
- If it becomes a chronic way of coping, then It doesn't work in the long run -- the revenge of the suppressed.
- Suppression is a defense mechanism aimed specifically at an emotion, desire, attitude or impulse that is perceived as too threatening or dangerous to keep in conscious awareness. Suppression is the intentional effort to force that threatening emotion, desire, attitude or impulse from consciousness, driving it into the unconscious where is not experienced in the same way.
- Solution:
- Remedy 3: Committing to interior integration: Interior acceptance of all parts, all desires, all impulses, all thoughts, all memories as real -- as part of reality.
- Solution:
- Mistake 2. Pursuing Compartmentalization instead of integration
- Mistake 3. Going it alone
- Strong impulse this way because of shame -- how shame leads us to want to hide -- discussed in our series on shame, especially in episodes 37 and 38.
- Social support, personal relationships are central to psychological healing and recovery
- Dr. Lynne Knobloch Fedders Research over the past fifty years has demonstrated that one factor — more than any other — is associated with successful treatment: the quality of the relationship between the therapist and the patient.
- And it makes sense
- We are social beings, we are not made to go it alone.
- Ephesians 2:19: So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God
- Galatian 6:2: Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.
- We are social beings, we are not made to go it alone.
- Embarrassment, not wanting to share.
- Desire to be self-sufficient
- Solutions:
- Remedy 4. Find a confidant with whom you can check in daily. Daily. Not just regularly. Daily
- 12 Step Groups have their sponsors
- Exodus 90 has their anchors, their accountability partners. Daily check-ins.
- Somebody with whom you can really share how you are doing with masturbation, who is tracking how it's coming along.
- We are working toward that in the Resilient Catholics Community, and later this year, we'll be discussing accountability partners.
- Remedy 4. Find a confidant with whom you can check in daily. Daily. Not just regularly. Daily
- Remedy 5: Get to confession and address the spiritual dimensions. Talk about it. Spiritual Director, Confessor -- not just a few seconds once every couple of weeks, but getting into it.
- Remedy 6: Working toward Intimate relationship with God
- Relational Prayer
- Dealing with God images
- Remedy 6: Working toward Intimate relationship with God
- Remedy 7: Time with Friends -- being deliberate out it.
- Remedy 8: Therapists -- especially Catholic IFS-informed therapist -- Interior Therapist Community members. Or maybe personal coaches.
- Solutions:
- Mistake 3. Going it alone
- Mistake 4. Using only spiritual means
- Grace perfects nature
- Many clients have used spiritual means for years and decades and not overcome masturbation
- Corporal mortifications -- cold showers, fasting, even self-flagellation -- use of disciplines, cilices.
- Can lead to body condemnation
- Corporal mortifications -- cold showers, fasting, even self-flagellation -- use of disciplines, cilices.
- Preference for spiritual level problems over natural level problems - psychological issues are in the natural realm
- Neglects the role of natural causes -- natural causes needs solutions in the natural realm.
- Suspicion of mental health professionals -- understandable
- Repeat of Remedy 8: Therapists -- especially Catholic IFS-informed therapist -- Interior Therapist Community members.
- Remedy 9: Sexaholics Anonymous or other groups.
- Remedy 10: Online groups -- like the Resilient Catholic Community
- Many clients have used spiritual means for years and decades and not overcome masturbation
- Mistake 4. Using only spiritual means
- Review of first four mistakes and their remedies -- see above.
- Wrap up
- So in the next episode, we will continue with the mistakes people make in the natural realm in overcoming masturbation -- there are six more mistakes for us to cover, along with many more remedies.
- Feedback. Let me know how these episodes are landing with you -- -- some of you already have. Get in touch with me on my cell at 317.567.9594 or my email at -- we're still small enough in January 2021 that I can respond to everybody.
- February 19, 2021 -- 10 AM to 1:15 PM Eastern time. I have been invited to do a webinar for the Catholic Psychotherapy Association entitled "Why Do I Avoid God? An Internal Family Systems-Informed Approach to Parts' Negative God Images" Here we get into how different parts see God. Lots of experiential work. For information and registration go to
- We have the Resilient Catholic community. That community is about transformation, about preparing the way for love in our souls. It's about being together as Catholics on a journey, on a mission to really enter into an intimate personal relationship with Jesus Christ our brother, the Holy Spirit who is Love Himself and with our spiritual parents, God the Father and Mary our Mother. It's about sharing our experiences in that journey on that mission.
- Get on the waiting list so you will get information before the general public does. Those on the waiting list -- thank you for your patience, hoping to reopen the community in April.
- We have the Resilient Catholic community. That community is about transformation, about preparing the way for love in our souls. It's about being together as Catholics on a journey, on a mission to really enter into an intimate personal relationship with Jesus Christ our brother, the Holy Spirit who is Love Himself and with our spiritual parents, God the Father and Mary our Mother. It's about sharing our experiences in that journey on that mission.
- Will do a bonus podcast -- community members -- experiential exercise, on why I go it alone -- mistake 3 when I try to solve my problems, whether with masturbation or anything else. -- Those bonus podcasts come out on Tuesday, one day later, so this one will release on January 26.
- Office hours for the RC community on Wednesday, January 27 from 9:15 to 10:15 AM Eastern time. Register on our app.
- Bonus podcast for our Catholic Therapists in the Interior Therapist Community with more on symptoms vs. underlying problems in ourselves and our clients and we go deeper into the clinical implications of working with Catholics who masturbate and hate the fact that they do.
- Can start by subscribing to this podcast -- spotify, apple podcasts, google play, amazon. Share the Interior Integration for Catholics Podcast on social media -- sharing buttons are on our website at -- get your word out there, with your personal recommendation -- how these episodes have helped you. Share them, let others know.
- You can reach out to me at 317.567.9594 or at -- don’t forget about feedback, ideas, suggestions.
- Patronness and Patron.