GCF NAGA English Sermons
Episode 101
Season 11
Iron Sharpens Iron - Core Values Part 9
Core Values - Part 9
Iron Sharpens Iron (Proverbs 27:17)
Every member of the body of Christ, which includes genuine believers in our church community, should grow. Another way of saying it is that all members should sharpen themselves in their spiritual and earthly responsibilities. Yet one member cannot do it alone as a sword cannot be sharpened by itself, so a person needs others to become sharper. Today, we turn to one of the wisdom books in the Old Testament, the book of Proverbs, to give us some inspiration about people sharpening others. We shall discuss three perspectives and explore some applications.
Sermon Notes:https://www.gcfnaga.com/core-values-part-9-english?fbclid=IwAR33aE9xFu0UhTMmcYsknoX5jwqGAgp0QrCHd7xvJ1nEnh00HF6Tfcu1PR8